Thu, Apr 26, 2018 12am to 11:59pm
Thu, Apr 26, 2018
Jesse H. Jones Communication Center - Building A (CMA), 7.118B
Sarah M. and Charles E. Seay Building (SEA), 3.112
Patton Hall (RLP), CLA 4.106
Jesse H. Jones Communication Center - Building B (CMB), 1.110
University of Texas Austin
George I. Sanchez Building (SZB)
Language and Cognition Lab, 5.120 SEA
Sarah M. and Charles E. Seay Building (SEA), 3.304
Health Discovery Building and Image Research Center
Come meet us right outside Jester West!
Patton Hall (RLP)
Texas Tennis Center
Sarah M. and Charles E. Seay Building (SEA), 2.218