About this Event
107 DEAN KEETON ST W, Austin, Texas 78712
https://utexas.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9Ts4KMsa3hkXT9k #BreastCancerCome participate in a research study at the Biomedical Informatics Lab!
Participants will test a new way of communicating about breast reconstruction. The results of this study will improve the care of patients with breast cancer.
You may be able to participate if you have had surgery to treat or prevent breast cancer.
Participants will:
(1) Use a computer program to compare photos of patients who have had breast reconstruction
(2) Study will take 2-3 hours
(3) Compensation (up to $50) and parking validation provided!!!
Please respond at https://utexas.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9Ts4KMsa3hkXT9k to assess eligibility and schedule an appointment. You can also contact us at BreastReconResearch@utexas.edu for more information!