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Extended Reality (XR) has a great impact on how future generations engage in educational concepts. XR will provide a more accessible experience by giving users a more realistic visual learning model. At this Imagine MeetUp, we will share the journey of XR from the current to the near future and explore what’s up-and-coming in the field of education and brainstorm ideas for facilitating this type of learning here at UT Austin.


Imagine MeetUps happen every 2nd Wednesday of each month from 6 - 7:30 PM CST to connect the Austin Media Community with students and faculty at UT through conversations and networking that we hope ignites new opportunities. At each MeetUp, there is ample time to discuss and demo ideas on the monthly topic that has impacted industries we interact with every day.


This event will be hosted virtually on Gather.Town, a 2D world for virtual events.

Location: Gather.Town LINK:



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