About this Event
UTA building, 1616 Guadalupe St, Austin TX 78701
https://www.ischool.utexas.edu/about/labs/information-experience-lab #eye-trackingYou are invited to participate in a research study investigating general consumers’ online health information seeking behavior.
The study will take about 60 minutes, during which time you will perform a search task online using Eye-tracking. You will also take a few survey questionnaires, review webpages, and be interviewed. The study will take place in the IX lab at the School of Information in the University of Texas at Austin (located at the UTA building, 1616 Guadalupe St, Austin TX 78701).
Study participants will be compensated with $20 Amazon gift card.
If you are interested.
Please complete the following survey and we will contact you shortly
For inquiries please email: iaebeid@utexas.edu