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Directive and non-directive art interventions can be integrated with most play therapy theories. It is important for professionals to know the ethics of using art in play therapy and how this is different from art therapy. Doing and processing art can help with right and left-brain integration, is a sensory experience, can be a safe medium to express and regulate emotions, and can be a nonverbal intervention that can bypass defenses. This workshop will include lecture, experiential learning, and discussion


At the conclusion of this session, participants will be able to….

  • Be able to identify the difference between using art in play therapy and art therapy.
  • Understand how the Therapeutic Powers of Play apply to using art with clients.
  • Be able to identify at least three benefits of using art in play therapy.
  • Learn how to set up a therapeutic space that encourages creativity and expression in play therapy offices.
  • Learn and practice at least eight directive art interventions that can be used in play therapy and at least two ways to process art.
  • Understand how both play therapy and art therapy ethics both apply to using art in therapy with clients.

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