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In this talk, entitled, "An Inter-American Approach to the Problems of Injustice," Gregory Pappas will argue that we should approach injustices in the same way we should approach some of our worst illnesses. Like cancer, injustice is complex, caused and affected by multiple environmental factors and conditions, and tends to stay hidden even as it evolves. This complexity calls for a very rich and demanding inquiry into the character of the inquirers themselves, their interactions, and the disciplines that are needed to ameliorate injustices.

Pappas proposes a general methodological approach to the concrete problems of injustice that is context sensitive while informed by theories from all disciplines and orientations. This general framework aims to facilitate transdisciplinary collaboration and to put academic ideas into public discourse. Dr. Pappas will present ideas about how to begin to approach conversations about injustice, discuss what counts as an “experiential resource,” and offer some general principles and virtues that can guide effective academic research.

Gregory Fernando Pappas, Ph.D., is a Distinguished Research Fellow for the Latino Research Initiative at The University of Texas at Austin and Professor of Philosophy at Texas A & M University.

Sponsored by the Latino Research Initiative.

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