About this Event
View mapAre you excited about Neurotech? What about playing videogames just using your brain signals :-)! Now might be an excellent time to get a glimpse.
The UT Clinical Neuroprosthetics and Brain Interaction Lab (Led by Dr. José del R. Millán) is looking for students/adults to participate in a brain-computer interface based interactive experiment.
- The study consists of around 1 hour 45 minutes daily sessions where participants will perform a movement imagination task and play a simple video game while recording electroencephalogram (EEG).
- Participants are encouraged to schedule a fixed 2-hour daily time slot to attend for 5 consecutive days during the week and 1 day in the preceding week, ideally on Friday or Saturday.
- In total, there will be 6 days of the experiment, 2-hour on each day
- The role of maintaining attention is crucial to the study. Therefore the participants are encouraged not to attend at hours when they feel sleepy or tiresome, for example, after a meal.
- The contents of this experiment are not dangerous nor complex.
- During the experiment you will also be playing a car racing game through EEG. The game is motivated from Cybathlon competition . See following links
1. youtube.com/watch?v=ZqpqO-4CXeU&ab_channel=CYBATHLONCYBATHLON
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jGcNbQhbg8&ab_channel=CYBATHLON
Reward: $120 Cash (paid within a week upon completing six sessions)
Location: Engineering Education and Research Center (EERC)
PS: There are multiple studies going in our lab on BCIs so I would request you to just signup for one study at a time :-).
Google Form Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1d2xj835n2jnydBV0Dmq7uqikpXvFVnTY2h7Z0ZdGL58/edit
* For more information, please contact:
Satyam Kumar - satyam.kumar@utexas.edu