About this Event
1701 Trinity St, Austin TX, 78712
https://sites.utexas.edu/cisler-neurotap/Have you ever experienced a traumatic event or interpersonal violence? Have you been diagnosed with PTSD?
If you answered yes to either of these questions, you may be eligible for The NeuroTaP Lab's MRI Clinical Trial! This study investigates the use of a novel medication, L-DOPA, during safety learning. L-DOPA is a precursor of dopamine and is an FDA approved drug for Parkinson's disease, but it has not yet been approved for PTSD.
You may be eligible if:
- Assigned female sex at birth
- Between the ages of 21-50 years old
Eligible participants can expect to:
- Complete a 15-20min. phone screen to ensure eligibility
- Participate in a virtual clinical interview
- Attend 2 in-person MRI visits
- Receive up to $255 upon study completion
For more information contact: