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1616 Guadalupe Street

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Have you been actively searching online for health information in the past few months? If you are:

  • Age range between 18-50 years old. 
  • American and native English speakers.
  • Have a normal or corrected vision.
  • Familiar with using Google Chrome.

you are invited to participate in a 1-1.5 hour research study investigating general consumers’ health information online search behavior. The study will ask you to search health information using Google Chrome. You will complete three search tasks. The experiment will be conducted at the Information eXperience lab at the School of Information, UT Austin.

Regarding the concern of COVID-19, we will be following UT Austin’s guideline in conducting human subjects research to protect your health and safety. 

You will receive a $25 Amazon gift card upon the successful completion of the study.

If interested, please fill out this survey:

If you have questions please contact Yung-Sheng Chang,

Event Details