About this Event
1701 Trinity St, Austin TX, 78712
#paidresearchstudyHave you experienced a trauma or extremely stressful life event?
Would you like to contribute to science?
The Fonzo Lab is a team of researchers and clinicians affiliated with the Dell Medical School at UT Austin. We are looking for individuals who:
Study participants will undergo clinical assessments and brain scans in an MRI machine while completing certain behavioral tasks. There are currently multiple studies ongoing in which individuals can be enrolled. You may participate in one or both studies. You can receive monetary compensation up to $250 for one study and up to $175 for the second. Individuals eligible to undergo the MRI will also receive free images of their brain!
If you're interested in our study, please contact us!
(512)-495-5856 fonzolab@austin.utexas.edu tiny.cc/UT2020
UT Austin IRB Approved: 2/20/19