Saturday, September 7, 2019
About this Event
108 DEAN KEETON ST E, Austin, Texas 78712
The Language Development Lab and The Gender and Racial Attitudes Lab are recruiting Spanish/English bilingual students to assist with a research project.
The purpose of this project is to explore the factors, including racial/ethnic identity, racial/ethnic attitudes, and perceptions of racial/ethnic discrimination, that predict Latinx children's formation of trust in cross racial/ethnic individuals. Research assistants will be trained to observe and interview elementary- and middle-school age children enrolled in local summer programs
This study will be conducted during the 2019 fall and 2020 spring semesters in the psychology department’s Children's Research Center as well as in the local community.
Please contact Chantal Ramirez at for more details or to apply.
We strive to provide a valuable learning experience for research assistants by giving them the opportunity to experience various aspects of research including recruiting participants, conducting research studies, entering and analyzing data and learning about relevant research and literature.
Note: this position qualifies for PSY 357 credit
Preferred qualifications:
Responsible, hard-working, and genuinely interested in research
Able to commit 7-10 hours per week, preferably for a two-semester commitment **Must be Spanish/English bilingual***
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