About this Event
Are you part of the quantified-self movement or do you generally engage in self-tracking activities?
If you have used a smartphone app to track your health and/or fitness for at least 6 months, are older than 18 years old, speak and read English fluently, and are interested in exploring issues around the long-term use of apps and associated data you are invited to participate in a paid research study.
We are particularly interested in recruiting study participants who are using (or have used) apps to track:
As part of the study, participants will be asked to complete a short online questionnaire and to take part in a 60-90 minute interview. The interview will be conducted at the School of Information (1616 Guadalupe St, Austin TX 78701). You will be asked to bring your smartphone (and any other tools, including paper formats, you used for tracking data) to the interview. You will also be asked to provide representative pictures or screen shots of your self-tracking practices.
As a token of our appreciation, you will receive a $30 gift card for participation in the study.
To see if you are qualified for the study please take our screening survey at: https://utexas.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_7Wi8YyIEByJcHuR
For more information, please contact the Quantified Self research team at:
Yan Zhang, yanz@ischool.utexas.edu
Ciaran Trace, cbtrace@austin.utexas.edu