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We are writing to announce a study being conducted by the University of Texas at Austin School of Information and the University of Washington School of Medicine on information, preventive behavior, and disparities during COVID-19.


People encounter information about COVID-19 in many different ways and places. This information may help you to understand the situation; it may also raise questions, make you concerned, encourage you to do certain things, and more. We would like to learn more about how that information affects you. Knowing this can help us to develop more effective ways of sharing information during pandemic circumstances.


Today, we are asking that you consider participating in a survey with four parts: participant characteristics, COVID-19 perceptions and preventive behaviors, COVID-19 information, and experience of COVID-19 over time.


It would be great to have many different voices represented in this survey, so we hope that you will consider participating. The survey can be accessed at:


The survey will take about 20 minutes to complete. Upon completion, you will also have the option of entering a lottery draw for a $30 Amazon gift card.

Thank you!


The COVID-19 Information Access and Disparity Project Team

Please note: The study has been approved by the Institutional Review Boards (IRB) at the University of Texas at Austin (UT Study Number: STUDY00000218) and the University of Washington (UW Study Number: STUDY00011499). 


Yan Zhang, PhD
Associate Professor
School of Information, the University of Texas at Austin
Phone: 512-471-9448; Fax: 512-471-3971; Office: UTA 5.446

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