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Join us for Texas Taekwondo’s open house practices for the Spring 2019 semester! We are a RecSports club that practices Olympic style sparring. Come kick with us, meet new people, get a great workout, and see what we are all about. Our Open Houses are completely free. All skill levels are welcome, and no experience is required.

Practices will be on 1/29, 1/31, and 2/5 in the Recreational Sports Center 1.138 from 7 pm to 9 pm.

You do not need to wear a uniform, just comfortable workout clothes. All you need to bring is a student ID and a water bottle (if you have one). Come ready to have some fun!

Are you super excited for Open House and can’t wait to start kicking? Join us for our less formal open mat practices on 1/22 and 1/24—same place (RSC 1.138), same time (7-9 pm).

If you have any questions, email us at or message us through our Facebook page.

Note: You must be a UT student, staff or faculty member to attend.

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