About this Event
Looking for some safe Halloween fun with your quaranteam? SHIFT is partnering with Campus Events + Entertainment and Alamo Drafthouse the weekend of Oct. 30 - Nov. 1 for The Night SHIFT: Halloween Edition. Choose between "Clue" or "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" and plan a virtual or socially distanced movie night with friends any time between Oct. 30th - Nov. 1st! Campus E+E will also be hosting a virtual murder mystery game, "Among Us" on 10/31 at 6pm on their discord (https://discord.gg/rNEG2zh).
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Register for a movie code and the live event by 10/28 here: (https://utexas.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8vpV1cPR1FMnTG5).
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